Singing Guide: Skin of Our Teeth

Singing Guide: Skin of Our Teeth

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Introducing a guide on how to learn singing like Patrick Watson, the lead singer of "The Skin of Our Teeth" band. Watson is a Canadian singer and songwriter who has been praised for his unique falsetto vocal ability and alternative style, that gives him a distinctive sound that makes his music simply unforgettable. In this guide, we will explore some of the things that you need to know in order to sing like Watson and some of his popular songs to showcase his vocal technique. We also recommend some of the Singing Carrots resources that can help you work on your singing skills.

Vocal Techniques

To sing like Patrick Watson requires expert knowledge of a number of vocal techniques. Notably, you need to perfect your falsetto, which is in most cases, the signature move of Watson. Falsetto may be challenging to master, but with the right guidance, you can train your voice accordingly. A resonant, lighter tone, where a part of the vocal cords disconnects, is fundamental to achieve the falsetto voice. Additionally, Watson often utilizes a lot of breathiness and vibrato to add depth and richness to his music, making his music pleasant to listen to.

Popular songs to showcase Watson's vocal techniques

Here are a few of Patrick Watson's songs that showcase his vocal techniques that you may consider singing as you imitate his music:

  • "Lighthouse" from the album "Adventures in Your Own Backyard"
  • "Drifters" from the album "Wave"
  • "Man Under the Sea" from the album "Wooden Arms"

Singing Carrots Resources

Singing Carrots can provide you with numerous resources to help you develop your vocal skills. Below are some of the most helpful resources:

  • For vocal range testing, you can try the vocal range test
  • The pitch accuracy test is excellent for testing and tuning your pitch. You can find it by clicking here.
  • You can use the virtual pitch monitor to visualize your sung voice on a virtual keyboard. You can find it by clicking here.
  • There are warm-up exercises, a pitch training game helping you work on your range and agility. Check them out here.
  • The Song Search feature can help you find songs that match your vocal range, difficulty, and genre preference. You can access the Song Search feature by clicking here.
  • You can learn the vocal techniques of expert singers with the "Artist Vocal Ranges" feature. Check it out by clicking here.
  • Our singing course for beginners and aspiring singers provides numerous lessons covering a wide range of topics. Click here to check out the course.

In conclusion, with patience, determination, and the right techniques and resources, you can learn to sing like Patrick Watson. By exploring Watson's unique sound, you can find new approaches to musical expression, develop your own style, and achieve vocal success.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.